Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the law and a frozen lake

in a book by n.t. wright he opens a chapter in reference to the law of God and its place or season in his will for followers...

"The lake freezes over for four months in the winter, to a depth of at least ten feet. People drive not only snowmobiles across it, but even cars and vans. It's exciting - and also quite convenient - to be able to drive across the water to the village on the opposite shore.

But there comes a time, in late March or early April, when spring comes even to the lakes north of Montreal. Suddenly the ices is not so firm. Wise drivers don't attempt the crossing any more. The villagers leave an old car on the middle of the ice; when it begins to sink, they know the time has come to stop driving across the ice. Soon the lake will be unfrozen; boats will be operating again; and anyone who wants to take the car to the other side will have to put it on the ferry.

Paul's point is this: spring has come to the people of God. For over a thousand years their fellowship with God has been established through the law. This was always essentially a winter regime, a time of waiting. There are, so to speak, modes of travel which are appropriate during that winter season. But if you become so keen on them that you don't want to abandon them in spring, you're going to be stuck at the water's edge - or maybe will even risk trying to get across when the ice will no longer hold your weight." (Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians, 61)

spring has arrived. through Christ a new season of fellowship with God has arrived. it is through the Spirit that we live in this new season allowing the Spirit to be the wind that fills our sails as we negotiate the season and life on the water.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I love it. Thanks for this, Tim. I've been thinking about this a lot lately as I've read Paul for my class. I was thinking the other day that the Law was also part of the Promise. It wasn't just God setting up the circumstances for why the Promise need to be made, (see? you guys suck. now I have to send my Son.) it was part of the Promise. This is probably not new to you, but I was wrestling with how Hebrews can refer to the Law as "weak and useless" and that doesn't make God a mean jerk.
